RGB vase by Oscar Diaz


RGB vase by Oscar Diaz.

Initially commissioned by the ICA for a fundraising auction sponsored by Veuve Clicquot champagne, the RGB vases started an interpretation of the Veuve Clicquot yellow-orange identity color. With the help of the computer, Veuve Clicquot yellow-orange identity color is divided and transferred the resulting RGB colors into three hand blown glass vases. When nested, the three colors mix again with the light passing through and Veuve Clicquot yellow-orange color reappears. The colors mix visually, but not physically, creating a very subtle but vibrant perception of it.

The RGB vases combine the excellence of a process refined through more than two thousand years, with references to the contemporary culture, were screens are extremely common, and its colors, based on the RGB color system.

Photography © Sylvain Deleu.


The new version of RGB vase is designed from a set of red, green and blue vases that nest inside each other to appear a specific hue of purple.

The vases will be shown as part of an exhibition called “Eyes on Spanish Design” an exhibition about emerging Spanish designers organised by the ICEX together with the DDI which will take place at 100% Design in London in September.

The vases are produced as a limited edition of hand blown glass.

For enquiries about colors and availability visit Oscar Diaz website at:  www.oscar-diaz.net

Dimensions: Nested 526 x ∅ 325 mm

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