This is how Simone Micheli describes his project:
The i-SUITE interior architectural plan lies its foundations in the concept of modern luxury I developed after a thorough and targeted thinking. During the “XXX Congreso Colombiano de Arquitectura” ( 30th Colombian Architecture Convention) which took place in Barranquilla (Colombia) in 2007 I asserted: “ …the new luxury does not mean immobility or habit, but rather freedom and movement. It is a light and a stirring thought, at any moment we are able to choose where and how to live and to reinvent the environment we live in.
(…)It has visual and inner harmony, it is the mirror of our mood which becomes calmer and stabler. Spirituality and beauty involve us in a aesthetic experience with all that is around us and with all we build with our body and mind. All this leads to the birth of a new place suitable for the inner growth but also for the development of our present or future family which is proud and grateful for having the chance of enjoying the cohesiveness the family is surrounded by. Daily relations and interactions as well will benefit from this cohesiveness by being enriched with passion and enthusiasm.
I aim at making man the main focus of the attention by stirring up his senses by means of shapes, images, colours, lights, materials and by creating a scenario hovering among trascendence and immanence, concreteness and abstraction, dream and reality.
I am referring to spaces in the world, where man represents a fourth dimension worth studying and to be sensorially satisfied. Moreover, each element in these spaces bring man back to the origins of time when everything was pure and simple.
In my opinion the word luxury could go beyond the limits of its meaning.
(…)This lively place enables our guests to smile,to relax, to meet and have conversation with other people. This is an unforgettable area which enables our guests to enter a dimension of freedom, beauty and uniqueness unconsciously ”.
Photos by Jürgen Eheim